Welcome to University Theater! We’re delighted you’re thinking of auditioning for a UT production. Here’s some info on auditions and what to expect from them!

Our auditions are not meant to be stressful or intimidating, and all casting teams are rooting for you to do your best. The most important thing is to have fun!

UT will be having auditions for the following shows in Autumn 2024:

  • A Weekend of Workshops: Royal Flush - 5th Week Autumn, FXK Theater
  • Much Ado About Nothing - 7th Week Autumn, FXK Theater
  • The Arsonists - 8th Week Autumn, Theater East
  • If/Then- 6th Week Winter, Theater East

To audition for these shows, follow these steps!

  1. Fill out the general UT audition form. Click here for the form! Auditions will be held in rooms on the 4th floor of Cobb Hall on Tuesday (10/1) and Wednesday (10/2) from 7-10pm CT.
  2. Sign up for a time slot to audition for all shows. If you are unable to make it to a live audition (e.g. due to travel), please contact the stage management for each show (listed below) for alternate audition options.
  3. Choose an audition side, then enter the audition room during your time slot. Please note that you are not expected to memorize your side.
  4. Callback auditions will be announced via email late Wednesday evening! If you are called back, congrats! Please go to the callback room during your assigned time(s). Callbacks will take place Thursday, October 3rd in rooms on the 4th floor of Cobb Hall from 7-10pm CT.
  5. Cast Lists will be sent out sometime Friday, October 4th

Do you have questions about auditioning for a particular show? Feel free to contact their stage management team!

Show Audition Signup Audition Sides Audition Room Stage Management Contact Other Info
Weekend of Workshops: Royal Flush Signup Link Choose your own song and bring a karaoke track! Cobb Hall
4th Floor
Jessie Palmer Audition Info
Rehearsal Calendar
General UT Audition Form
Much Ado About Nothing Signup Link Sides Link Cobb Hall
4th Floor
Nate LePelley Audition Info
Rehearsal Calendar
General UT Audition Form
The Arsonists Signup Link Sides Link Cobb Hall
4th Floor
Lee Gutman Audition Info
Rehearsal Calendar
General UT Audition Form
If/Then Signup Link Sides Link
Songs Link
Cobb Hall
4th Floor
Elias Buttress
Christian Beltran
Audition Info
Rehearsal Calendar
General UT Audition Form

Do you have any additional questions about acting in UT? Feel free to send them to UT Committee at ut-committee@uchicago.edu!

When and where are auditions?

General auditions happen Tuesday and Wednesday evening, 7-10pm, of 1st Week of Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters in Cobb Hall.

What should I do to prepare?

See the steps above!

Otherwise, you can come as you are! If you would like to prepare more thoroughly, you can find the audition materials for each show posted on the UT website. However, you are never expected to memorize any material before an audition with UT.

What should I do when I get to auditions?

If you haven’t filled out your audition form ahead of time, you should do that before signing up to audition, either on your own device or one that UT Committee provides.

Then, each show auditioning will have a separate table when you can go to sign up for a 5-10 minute audition slot. Audition materials you can take will be available at these tables.

When it’s your time to audition, you’ll be called by the management teams at each table who will let you into the audition room.

Who can I ask for help at auditions?

UT Committee will have a table set up near the front of the hallway where we are happy to answer all your questions! The management teams at each show’s table will also be happy to help.

What will I be asked to do in the audition room?

This will vary a little from show to show, but usually you will be asked to read a short monologue excerpt from the script. There will be sides posted ahead of the audition on the site, and you simply pick one to read! Note it does not have to be memorized.

If you’re auditioning for a musical, you’ll probably be asked to sing from a posted side or a song of your choosing, and there may be an exercise to test your vocal range as well.

You will often be given a “redirect” after your initial reading, where the casting team will ask you to read again following a small piece of direction, or you may be asked to read a different side, which you’ll be provided.

Are there callbacks? How do I know if I got one?

If you are called back, it means the directing team wants to see more of you! Callbacks are Thursday night in Cobb Hall after general auditions.

Actors who auditioned will get an email with materials and a callback schedule, usually in late Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning after general auditions.

Casting teams may not always send emails to those who did not get a callback, but not getting a callback doesn’t mean you aren’t being cast! Everyone should check the final cast list, which will be emailed to them on Friday.

What can I expect at callbacks?

Callbacks often varies based on the directing team. You could read scenes with other people, do acting/movement exercises, sing or play music, etc. You will be told in your scheduling email what you’ll be expected to read and do.

How will I know if I’m cast?

Casting decisions will be emailed to auditionees on Friday of 1st Week. Auditionees are expected to check their email and confirm their role with stage management by the end of Friday, so be on the lookout then!

Can I be cast in more than one show?

No. All directors of UT shows and workshops arbitrate casting in a closed meeting with the Director of Performance Programs to make sure actors only get cast in one show per quarter. Declining a casting offer from a UT mainstage or workshops comes with the understanding that an actor will not receive another casting offer for a UT mainstage or workshop that season. For more information, see our bylaws regarding casting