A Midsummer Night's Dream
presented by UT/TAPS and The Dean's Men

written by William Shakespeare
directed by Zev Hurwich
Zev Hurwich, the founder of UChicago's only Commedia dell'arte troupe, directs A Midsummer Night's Dream. His production promises more joy and more fun for all the Athenians: the lovesick lovers, mixed-up mechanics, and fantastical faeries. What happens in the forest definitely won't stay there. Let the Dean's Men cure your winter blues with a dose of summer magic.
Brandon Callender (Theseus/Mustardseed) is a second-year computer science major in the College. He has previously appeared in Excerpt from Richard III (Richard III), Hotel Nepenthe (Actor 4/Ensemble), Hedda Gabler (Judge Brack), and several New Work Week shows. For Eric Phillips.
Eloise Hyman (Hippolyta/Peaseblossom) is a first-year in the College. This is her first Dean's Men production, but last quarter she was in the workshop Barely There and is also part of Commedia dell'arte.
James Ekstrom (Oberon) is a fourth-year Political Science major currently studying running a fancy experiment on political humor. This is his eighth show with the Dean's Men, whose Board he proudly serves on as Coordinator of Outreach and Events. Previous roles have included Touchstone (As You Like It), Shylock (Merchant of Venice), and Assistant Lighting Designer (Hamlet).
Magdalen Vaughn (Titania) is an International Studies major graduating in June. She has previously appeared in Twelfth Night (Maria) and The Merchant of Venice (Portia). She thanks the Deans Men.
Cameron Vanderwerf (Lysander) is a second-year English major in the College. Previous UT roles include Billy in The Real Thing and Launcelot in The Merchant of Venice. Cameron is also the current artistic director of UChicago Commedia.
Michaela Voit (Helena) is a first-year in the College. She plans to major in English and, last quarter, appeared in the Dean's Men production of As You Like It (Celia).
Arielle Von Hippel (Hermia) is a fourth-year majoring in Psychology and Comparative Human Development. This is Arielle's third Dean's Men show in a row, having previously been seen as Nerissa in The Merchant of Venice and Audrey in As You Like It. Arielle's other UT credits include Nurse Monika in The Physicists, Popova in The Bear, Alais in The Lion in Winter, Charlotte in The Real Thing, and Actor 2 in Hotel Nepenthe.
Joey Whitaker (Demetrius) is a second-year English major in the College. He has previously worked on UT/Dean's Men productions of Henry VI (Edward), The Merchant of Venice (Gratiano), and As You Like It (Assistant Set). He also appeared in the CES production of 'Tis Pity She's a Whore (Giovanni).
Simon Jacobs (Egeus/Cobweb) is a fourth-year Computer Science major in the College.
David Lovejoy (Puck) is a first-year in the College. His previous experience in UT includes playing First Lord in As You Like It.
James Brooks (Quince) is a fourth-year English/TAPS major in the College. He has previously acted with University Theater in Smitten (Peter), The Doctor and Ariel in the Tempest (The Doctor/Prospero), and The Gribsby Scene from the Importance of Being Earnest (Gribsby). He has also acted with the Classical Entertainment Society in The Clouds (Socrates), Blood Weddin' (Pa/Moon), Tiresias (Tiresias), and Beowulf (Hrothgar).
Gwendolyn Wiegold (Bottom) is a second-year TAPS major in the College. Previous UT credits include directing last quarter's Dean's Men production of As You Like It, acting in Two Gentlemen of Verona and First Love, and assistant stage managing Henry VI. Congrats to the cast and crew and many thanks.
Gus Mosse (Snout) is a second-year English major in the college. He has previously appeared with the Dean's Men in As You Like It (Orlando), Henry VI (Henry VI), and The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Valentine).
Zev Hurwich (Director) is a fourth-year undergraduate majoing in Italian and TAPS. He founded and directed the first year of UChicago's first Commedia dell'Arte ensemble, Attori Senza Paura. He also has taken part in many UT shows. He directed Graceland, a devised workshop in the Winter of 2012. He also acted in reWILDing Genius (Ged), As You Like It (Adam), and The Physicists (Newton), assisted set design on Crime and Punishment and designed the set of Break.
Samantha Stambuk (Stage Manager) is a fourth-year student in the College and looks forward to graduating with a degree in Theater and Performance Studies this spring. Previous credits include Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread, Oedipus and Blood Weddin’. This production marks the last in her U of C stage-managing career; she extends her utmost gratitude to Midsummer’s cast and crew for never failing to brighten her day come rehearsal and for leaving her with fond memories of her experience in theater here in Hyde Park.
Kevin Freese (Lighting Designer) is a second-year Math and Computer Science major. Previous UT credits include The Credeaux Canvas, The Hamletmachine, and The Drowsy Chaperone. This is his first show as a designer.
Ty Easley (Sound Designer) is a second-year Math and Physics major in the College, and he's very excited to design for the first time. He has appeared in numerous (numerous is another word for 5) performances with UChicago's only Commedia dell-Arte troupe, Attori Senza Paura, as Pedrolino, and he was also fortunate enough to play piano in Fall 2013's Weekend of Workshops.
Maria Decker (Props Designer) is a third-year Math major in the college. This is her seventh UT show and her first time working props.
Jamie Mermelstein (Production Manager) is a fourth-year English and TAPS major in the college. After four years of stage managing, production managing, directing and designing with UT she's proud and humbled to call this wonderful show her last.
Michael Roy (Master Electrician) is a second-year Chemistry major. He has previously worked as the assistant lighting designer for Grey Gardens, as well as serving as an electrician on several UT productions.
Jonathan Sorce (Assistant Director) is a first-year Physics major in the College. He has previously appeared in As You Like It (Corin).
Dido Tzortzi (Assistant Costume Designer) is an Undecided first-year in the College. She has previously assisted directed As You Like It for last quarter.
Nathaniel Rossum (Assistant Stage Manager) is a third-year Political Science and History double-major in the College. He has previously appeared in the spring 2013 Weekend of Workshops in Hello Out There.
Shubhra Murarka (Assistant Props Designer) is a second-year in the College and might be an English major with a Physics minor. This is her first UT show.