The Aliens
written by Annie Baker
directed by Emily Lynch
Spring 2018

Hidden behind a coffee shop, KJ and Jasper are two lost artists spending their afternoons drafting novels and song lyrics. Peer into their hideaway as Evan, a teenage barista, tries to befriend them. As the men bond, Annie Baker’s text explores beauty, drugs, loss, and Bukowski.
Ian Grant-Funck (Jasper) is a second-year religious studies major and the Education Chair of the Dean's Men. Previous UT roles/positions include Comedy or Errors (Dromio), Henry VI (Clifford), Lear (Assistant Director), As You Like It (Special Helper), Much Ado About Nothing (Dramaturg). He has read, seen, studied or been in 32 of Shakespeare's 37 plays. He is thrilled to present his first serious non-Shakespearean role since the 7th grade. He would like to thank his father.
Jacob Goodman (KJ) is a third year Comparative Human Development and Visual Arts major. He has previously worked on The Misanthrope (Acaste), Next to Normal (Director), She Kills Monsters (Puppet Designer), Mr. Burns, a post electric play (Mr. Burns/Matt), Comedy of Errors (Director), The Seagull (Konstantin), Twelfth Night (Duke Orsino). He is the current Arts Chair for the Dean's Men board and will be serving as President next year.
Katie Bevil is a second-year majoring in TAPS and French. Previous UT acting credits include Iphigenia and Other Daughters (Chrysothemis), As You Like It (Orlando), and Eurydice (Orpheus). Katie also serves on UT Committee.
Production Staff
Emily Lynch (Director) is a second year studying English and Political Science. This year, she has worked on As You Like It (Director), Matt and Ben (Matt), and Much Ado About Nothing (Props Designer). She also wrote for New Work Week and serves as the treasurer of University Theater.
Noah McCarthy (Production Manager) is a second year English and Economics major. He has previously worked on Much Ado About Nothing (Production Manager) and As You Like It (Assistant Production Manager).
Carolyn J. Applebaum (Stage Manager) is a second year Linguistics major/Math minor who is very excited to be stage managing her first UT mainstage! Previous UT credits include Love's Labour's Lost (Assistant Stage Manager), A Weekend of Workshops: The Importance of Being Earnest (Stage Manager), Iphigenia and Other Daughters (Assistant Stage Manager), and Henry VI (Dramaturg/Script Supervisor). She has also stage managed for UChicago Commedia Dell'Arte, and has performed with Memento and the UChicago Womens' Ensemble.
Paris Bezanis (Scenic Designer) is a second year Russian Eastern European Studies and Visual Arts major. He has previously worked on Next to Normal (Scenic Designer), and God of Carnage (Scenic Designer). His favorite snack is the Cheez-It.
Clare Kemmerer (Costume Designer) is a second-year Religious Studies major. Previously, she has worked as the Assistant Costume Designer on As You Like It and as the Costume Designer on Much Ado About Nothing. She also serves on the University Theater Committee.
Sara Everson (Props Designer) is a first-year Classics and Linguistics major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Props Designer) and God of Carnage (Assistant Props Designer). She is also excited to be sound op-ing for the first time and hopes you all come see the show! Come experience her brilliant space button pressing on Friday and Saturday night!
Fred Dan (Lighting Designer) is a first year Physics and Visual Arts Major. He has previously worked on Loves Labour's Lost (Master Electrician), Next To Normal (Assistant Lighting Designer) during his time at The University of Chicago.
Luke Giacalone (Sound Designer) is a first year Computer Science major. He has previously worked on Love's Labour's Lost (Assistant Scenic Designer).
Hana Eldessouky (Dramaturg) is a second-year English and Anthropology major. Her previous UT credits include Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play (Jenny/Lisa), She Kills Monsters (Lilith), and As You Like It (Jaques).
Emily Lovett (Music Director) is a third-year Music and English Literature major. Her past UT Credits include As You Like It (Composer/Music Director), Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (Vocal Director), The Children's Hour (Evelyn), West Side Story (Velma), and Hamlet (Guildenstern). Outside of UT, she also sings in UChicago's Women's Ensemble and works as a Dramaturgy Intern at the Court Theatre.
Cameron Bernstein (Master Electrician) is a second year Premed and Computational and Applied Mathematics Major. She has previously worked on Iphigenia and Other Daughters (Assistant Lighting Designer), Geography of a Horse Dreamer (Lighting Designer), Lear (Light Designer), and Eurydice (Master Electrician). She is also a curator of UChicago's quarterly 24 hour theater production, Theater[24].
Caitlyn Klum (Assistant Director) is a first-year Comparative Literature and Creative Writing major. She has previously worked on As You Like It (Phebe) and Much Ado About Nothing (Assistant Director).
Alice May (Assistant Stage Manager) is a first year majoring in Comparative Human Development, English, and Gender Studies. She previously acted as Holofernes in UT's production of Love's Labour's Lost as well as many shows at her high school, but she is excited about her first Stage Management position.
Emma Sorkin (Props Assistant) is a first year Psychology and Visual Arts major. This is her first ever UT show!
Christine Yan (Assistant Lighting Designer) is a second year Computer Science major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Captain Scott), Love's Labour's Lost (Dull), and is a member of Committee.
Lynn Chong (UT Committee Liaison) is a first year Anthropology and TAPS major. She has previously worked on Love's Labour's Lost (Katherine), Exquisite Pressure: The Misanthrope (Eliante), and Peter and the Starcatcher (Props Designer). She is currently a member of the University Theater's Committee.
Sydney Purdue (Tech Staff Liaison) is a student in the college.