A Weekend Of Workshops (Fall 2018)
"The Hardy Boys & The Mystery Of Where Babies Come From" by Christopher Durang, directed by Afriti Bankwalla
"Peach Boy: A Japanese Folk Tale" written and directed by Kenjiro Lee
"Love, Loss, & What I Wore" by Nora and Delia Ephron, directed by Ruthie Dworin
"a story about dragons" written and directed by Felix Lecocq
"The Sandbox" by Edward Albee, directed by Kendall Phillips

Each quarter, the UT workshop format gives directors a chance to explore the limits of their creative visions. This fall, see some of those visions come to life. Join us for a weekend of the following workshops: The Hardy Boys & The Mystery Of Where Babies Come From by Christopher Durang, Peach Boy: A Japanese Folk Tale by Kenjiro Lee, Love, Loss & What I Wore by Nora and Delia Ephron, a story about dragons by Felix Leqocq, and The Sandbox by Edward Albee.
The Hardy Boys & The Mystery Of Where Babies Come From
Afriti Bankwalla (Director) is a student in the college.
Quinn Kane (Stage Manager) is a fourth year Classics and History major. He previously acted in Urinetown, Hamlet, West Side Story, The Comedy of Errors, Mr. Burns, a post-electric play, and She Kills Monsters. He also assistant directed God of Carnage and assistant costume designed She Kills Monsters and Geography of a Horse Dreamer.
Gabriel Rourke (Joe Hardy) is a student in the college.
Björn Olafsson (Mr. Hardy) is a fourth year Psychology major doubling-minoring in Cinema Studies and Human Rights. Björn is also a curator for the quarterly Theater [24].
Emil Sohlberg (Emil Sohlberg) is a student in the college.
Matilda Kupfer (Nurse Ratched) is a third year English major and Environmental and Urban Studies minor.
Peach Boy: A Japanese Folk Tale
Kenjiro Lee (Writer/Director) is a third year Political Science major. His previous work with UT includes Peter and the Starcatcher (Alf) and New Work Week (writer, "A Model Korean"). With UChicago's POC theatre troupe Iris he has worked on For Colored Girls (Sound Designer), The Bartender Scene (Max), and Story Time (Director/Writer/Puppeteer), where he initially developed Peach Boy. Kenjiro recommends that any person who says "But their lips were moving!" after seeing Peach Boy really needs to learn the difference between ventriloquism and puppetry, because you're literally the only person in the audience who cared about that.
Madison Johnson (Stage Manager) is a third year Comparative Human Development and Gender and Sexuality Studies major. She previously worked with Iris at UChicago on their production of For Colored Girls as a costumer designer, and performed in New Work week last year.
Emily O'Heir (Player 1) is a first year potential Classics major. This is her first show with University Theater, but she has previously worked on productions of 42nd Street (Ensemble, Wig and Costume Design), Pride and Prejudice (Mrs. Bennet), King Lear (Kent), and a devised work based on Hamlet (Ophelia). She is grateful for all of the amazing experiences Workshops has given her so far, and looks forward to her future endeavors in theater at UChicago!
Krishna Kumar (Player 2) is a second year Math major. As part of University Theater, he has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Peter), Love's Labor's Lost: The Musical (Boyet), and Property Damage (Shel). He is currently in training to be a member of UChicago Commedia.
Gayathri Rao (Player 3) is a student in the college.
Zander Galluppi (Player 4) is a second-year PhD candidate in the Committee on Immunology. His previous UT credits include Animals Out of Paper (Andy), Love's Labour's Lost: The Musical (Longaville), and Peter and the Starcatcher (Smee). He would like to thank the Peach Boy team for their energy and support throughout the rehearsal process!
Love, Loss & What I Wore
Ruthie Dworin (Director) is a second year Linguistics major, minoring in TAPS, NELC, and not having enough hours in the day. She has previously worked on Animals Out of Paper (Assistant Director), New Work Week (Director), Eurydice (Little Stone), and Julius Caesar with CES (Assistant Director). She is also a member of UChicago Commedia (she plays Zanni and sometimes Pascuela). Outside of UT, she has worked on 26 Pebbles (Director) by Eric Ulloa with Commonwealth Theatre Center in Kentucky. Everyone please drink water, eat lots of vegetables, and go to bed early.
Uma Gaunt (Stage Manager) is a student in the college.
Emily Lovett (Gingy) is a fourth year English Literature and Music major. Her past UT credits include Animals Out Of Paper (Dramaturg), The Aliens (Music Director), As You Like It (Composer/Music Director), Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (Vocal Director), A Twinklin' Rhyme (Mrs. Who/Happy Medium), The Children's Hour (Evelyn), West Side Story (Velma), and Hamlet (Guildenstern). Outside of UT, she also sings in UChicago's Women's Ensemble and works as a Dramaturgy Intern at the Court Theatre.
Ling Lin (Eve/Dora/Older Sister) is a first year prospective TAPS major. Love loss is her first UT show!
Rosa Glen-Rayner (Liz/Amanda/Eve's Shrink) is a first year and potential English major. This is her first show with University Theater! She hopes you enjoy A Weekend of Workshops and remember that Cathey is the best dining hall on campus.
Sarah Paton (Mary/Doctor/Gingy's Mother) is a second year in the College. She’s excited to be working with UT for the first time, and hopes everyone enjoys the performance!
Phoebe Hall (Lisa/Younger Sister/Mary's Mother) is a first year prospective Molecular Engineering Major. She has previously performed in Heathers, The Tempest, The Laramie Project, and Much Ado About Nothing.
a story about dragons
Felix Lecocq (Writer/Director) is a third-year English Language/Literature and Creative Writing double major. He wrote a play for New Work Week (Spring 2018) and writes performance art with the Underground Collective.
Helen Malley (Stage Manager) is a student in the college.
Nancy Li (Actor) is a first year in the college. This is her first University Theater production.
Alicia Hurtado (Actor) is a first year (maybe?) Public Policy major. She was in theatre all four years of high school, some of her favorite productions being Julius Caesar (Brutus), The Sound of Music (Elsa Schrader), and The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds (Beatrice). Alicia is very excited to be making her University Theatre debut with this beautiful show and amazing group of people. Shoutout to her Bound fam and the 701/702 squad <3
Ananya Karanam (Actor) is a first year Astrophysics major from Connecticut. This is her first UT show, but she's excited to keep acting at UChicago and hopefully get involved with lighting design!
Lara Sachdeva (Actor) is a student in the college.
The Sandbox
Kendall Phillips (Director) is a Biology Major. She has previously worked on Love’s Labour's Lost: The Musical (Jaquenetta) and Peter and the Starcatcher (Slank). This is her directorial debut and she’s really pumped about her company and the sand.
Alice May (Stage Manager) is a second year Comparative Human Development, English, and Gender Studies major. Previously, she Assistant Stage Managed The Aliens, and played Holofernes in Love's Labour's Lost: The Musical.
Aliza Oppenheim (Mommy) is a second year Law, Letters, and Society and Political Science major. On campus, she has previously been seen in Weekend of Workshops Fall 2017, Julius Caesar, and Antigonick, as well as various Fire Escape Films and Maroon TV productions. She has also performed in numerous productions at the Black Box Performing Arts Center in New Jersey.
G. Cyrus Pacht (Young Man) is a third year English major. He directed the annual CUSA show last year. He is thrilled to make his first appearance in a UT production.
Isabel O'Malley-Krohn (Grandma) is a first year Biology and Public Policy major. This is her first UT show! Before college, she was involved in her high school's thespian society and is so excited to get started.
Leo Alvarez (Daddy) is a first year Cinema and Media Studies Major. This is his first show.
Production Staff
Alice May (Production Manager) is a second year Comparative Human Development, English, and Gender Studies major. Previously, she Assistant Stage Managed The Aliens, and played Holofernes in Love's Labour's Lost: The Musical.
Christine Yan (Lighting Designer) is a third year Computer Science major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Captain Scott), Love's Labour's Lost: The Musical (Dull), and The Aliens (Assistant Lighting Designer).
Emily Lynch (Committee Liaison) is a student in the college.