This contemporary musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s original work brings a timeless story of love and friendship to life. While at a five year college reunion, four men swear off women entirely just as their romantic pasts return in full force. Explore their coming of age journeys in this hilarious musical comedy sure to enchant and delight.


Nick Ornstein (The King) is a student in the college.

Connor Tree (Berowne) is a first year English major and TAPS minor. Previous acting credits include Oklahoma (Jud Fry) and Next to Normal (Henry). This is his second production with University Theater.

Omar Almakki (Dumaine) is a first year TAPS and Biological Sciences Major. This is his first time acting in a University Theater show, though he wrote for fall quarter's Theater24 and performed in University Ballet's Cinderella (Father). He is very excited to perform and wants to thank all the cast, the crew, and Sarah Stark and Maggie Strahan for being a wonderful Stage Manager/Director duo and helping him grow in his acting.

Zander Galluppi (Longaville) is a first year PhD candidate in the Committee on Immunology. His previous UT credits include Peter and the Starcatcher (Smee). Zander has had a blast working on Love's Labour's Lost, and he would like to thank the wonderful cast and crew for all their hard work.

Sabrina Sternberg (The Princess) is a first year prospective Cinema and Media Studies major. She previously appeared in As You Like It (Duke Senior) with UT. Many thanks to the cast and crew for an amazing and fun experience - I don’t need love, I just need you! 

Ruby Ross (Rosaline) is a student in the college.

Hope Gundlah (Maria) is a second-year English and TAPS major hoping to pursue acting and playwriting. She has previously worked on Comedy of Errors (Merchants/Messenger), Circe (Zoe/The Nymph), She Kills Monsters (Farrah/Evil Gabbi), and Peter and the Starcatcher (Molly Aster). She is also the Assistant to the Director of the Youth Ensemble at the Revival.

Lynn Chong (Katherine) is a student in the college.

Krishna Kumar (Boyet) is a student in the college.

Andre Castro (Don Armado) is currently a first year student in the College. He has previously participated in the cast of the student-written and produced SING! show at Stuyvesant High School. He has not had a role in a musical in two years, but looks to start off strong at UChicago with his debut UT performance as the flamboyant international student hailing from Spain, Don Armado.

Elizabeth Price (Moth) is a student in the college.

Christine Yan (Dull) is a second year Computer Science major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Captain Scott).

Emil Sohlberg (Costard) is a second year Computer Science Major. He has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Lord Aster), and Mr Burns, a post-electric play (Flanders). He hopes you enjoy the show!

Kendall Phillips (Jaquenetta) is a first year Biology major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Slank). She appreciates the wonderful time working with this cast and crew!

Alice May (Holofernes) is a first year Comparative Human Development major. This is her first UT show, though she enjoyed doing theater in high school. She has loved her time in this show, and can't wait to continue with theater in the future!

Marianne Barrouillet (Nathaniel) is a fourth year Film major. This is her first UT show. Previous shows include Marivaux's La Fausse Suivante (The Countess) and Erdman's The Suicide (Maria Loukianovna).

Brandon McCallister (Mercade) is a fourth year double major in CHDV and TAPS. He has previously worked on God of Carnage (Director), She Kills Monsters (Director), Next to Normal (Stage Manager), Comedy of Errors (Stage Manager), Twelfth Night (Stage Manager), and Love's Labour's Lost (AD). Brandon is excited to be making his UT acting debut on his very last show, Love's Labour's Lost, and is especially excited to be working alongside Avi Sheehan, Sarah Stark, and Maggie Strahan since he became friends with them his first year on Love's Labour's Lost and the rest is history. He would also like to give a special thanks to Jacob Goodman, Quinn Kane, and Jakob Solheim for always being the most supportive friends in UT for everything he does. 

Production Staff

Maggie Strahan (Director) is a fourth year Theatre and Performance Studies major. Past acting credits with UT and the Dean's Men include Talk to Me Like the Rain (Woman), Amadeus (Teresa), Love's Labour's Lost (Jaquenetta), Urinetown (Hope), West Side Story (Minnie), After the Revolution (Jess), Mr Burns, a post-electric play (Edna Krabappel), and She Kills Monsters (Agnes). Additional credits include Belleville (ASM) and Peter and the Starcatcher (Music Director/Conductor). 

Jenni Guarino (Production Manager) is a second year Biology major in the college. Her previous UT credits include Fall Workshops 2017 (PSM), She Kills Monsters (Calling SM), Winter Workshops 2017 (SM), and After the Revolution (APM). She would like to thank her lovely production staff for making her first mainstage PM credit a wonderful and welcoming experience. She would especially like to thank Sarah Stark for all of her friendship and guidance in becoming the manager and person she is today. She hopes everyone enjoys this fun and crazy show as much as she has enjoyed working on it!

Sarah Stark (Stage Manager) is a fourth year TAPS and English major in the College. Love's Labour's Lost is her fourteenth and final show with UT/TAPS (ninth as Stage Manager), and it is impossible to describe how excellent of a last project this has been. Much love to the adorable and talented cast and staff of this show, and very special thanks to Maggie Strahan and Avi Sheehan for being the best friends and collaborators anyone could have. Thanks also to the inimitable Jenni Guarino for everything on this process and these past 18 months, as well as Laura Ashlock for her support and encouragement these past four years. Peace out!

Ethan Schondorf (Scenic Designer) is a first year in the college. Previously at UChicago, he has worked on Next to Normal (Assistant Scenic Designer) and Theater[24] (Designer). He is also an ensemble member of U of C Commedia.

Ezra Feldman (Costume Designer) is a student in the college.

Isaiah Newman (Props Designer) is a student in the college.

Avi Sheehan (Lighting Designer/Rum Tum Tugger) is a fourth year TAPS major and NELC minor. This is their last UT show, after numerous previous production credits as Lighting Designer, Master Electrician, and a variety of assistant positions. Favorite credits include: Reflections, Presented by UChicago Maya (Lighting Designer), Next to Normal (Lighting Designer), Iphigenia and Other Daughters (Lighting Designer), and Love's Labour's Lost (not the musical) (Master Electrician). Thanks so much for the unwavering confidence of this team and cast who have put their best feet forward to create a stunning and silly show. They are also excited to be acting in their first (and last) UT Mainstage!

Fred Dan (Master Electrician) is first year Physics major. He has previously worked on Next to Normal (Assistant Lighting Designer). 

Felix Lecocq (Sound Designer) is a second year English Literature major. He has previously worked on Mr Burns, a post-electric play (Assistant Sound Designer), Iphigenia and Other Daughters (Orestes), and is a curator for Theater[24]. 

Jenny Haar (Music Director) is a fourth-year computer science major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Keyboardist) and Love's Labour's Lost (Musician) with UT, as well as various musicals with other organizations. She is also the director of the UChicago Pep Band, and a member of the University Chamber Orchestra and the Early Music Ensemble.

Lauren Torian (Vocal Music Director) is a second year Anthropology and Music major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Vocal Music Director) and is currently working as an arranger, writer, and singer for the a cappella group, Voices in Your Head.

Adam Johnson (Pianist) is an alumnus of the college.

Ajay Chopra (Drums/Percussion) is a first-year Computational and Applied Mathematics major. He began teaching himself how to play drums at the age of thirteen, following the example of drumming idols such as Danny Carey, Chris Adler and Neil Peart. He has watched the movie Whiplash over twenty times.  

Jay Crump (Pianist) is a first year Physics and Computer Science Major. This is first show and he's incredibly excited to be a part of it. He's also very into very into writing his own music, which is similar to the works of renowned pianist Ludovico Einaudi.

Joseph Ramirez (Bassist) is a student in the college.

Zach Trani (Guitarist) is a student in the college.

Ari Freedman (Cellist) is a student in the college.

Carolyn J Applebaum (Assistant Stage Manager) is a second year Linguistics major and Math minor who is very excited to be working on Love's Labour's Lost. Previous UT credits include: The Importance of Being Earnest with A Weekend of Workshops (SM), Iphigenia and Other Daughters (ASM), Henry VI (Dramaturg/Assistant Director), and Theater[24] (writer, actor). She has also stage managed for UChicago Commedia Dell'Arte.

Claire Schultz (Assistant Stage Manager) is a second year English major. She has previously worked on Eurydice (Assistant Production Manager). 

Luke Giacalone (Assistant Scenic Designer) is a student in the college.

Neha Lingareddy (Assistant Scenic Designer) is a first year Computer Science and Mathematics major. She is very excited for the show! 

Jared Luckas (Assistant Scenic Designer) is a student in the college.

Mireille Farjo (Assistant Costume Designer) is a student in the college.

Emma Shapiro (Assistant Lighting Designer) is a first year Linguistics major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Assistant Stage Manager) and God of Carnage (Assistant Stage Manager). 

Jemima Adeyinka (Assistant Sound Designer) is a student in the college.

Sophie Allen (Assistant Sound Designer) is a student in the college.

Rachel Wang (Assistant Sound Designer) is a student in the college.

Sydney Purdue (Tech Staff Liaison) is a student in the college.

Olivia Malone (UT Committee Liaison) is a student in the college.

Painters: Aware Deshmukh, Hannah Dorsey, Nicola Lustig, Jacob Spiegel, Hannah Zinky

Electricians: Eric Karsten, Maxine King, Helen Malley, Olivia Malone, Christine Yan, Hannah Zinky

Additional Musicians: Faith Anaya, Paul Gilbert, Ken Leng, Jason Lin, Carolina Montes, Allison Muchiri, Madeline Paoli, Christian Castro Romero, Kyle Simpson, Elliot Valencia, Leo Weinreb