In an epic quest for lost love and a good meal, Neil Wechsler’s Grenadine chronicles four companions and their search for a mythic woman. Winner of the 2008 Yale Drama Award and hand-selected by master playwright Edward Albee, this play explores a fantastical world, full of fruits, fiddles, and a two-legged Dachshund. Experience this witty and highly original tale of love and friendship.


Rebecca Husk (Prismatic) is a third year philosophy major in the college. Past UT credits include Matt & Ben (Ben Affleck), Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (Bart Simpson), She Kills Monsters (Vera), and The Merchant of Venice (Nerissa). Rebecca also sings with Men in Drag a cappella, and, if she were a color, she'd be emerald green.

Hope Gundlah (Grove) is a third year English and TAPS major. Her past UT credits include Comedy of Errors (Merchants/Messenger), Circe (Zoe/The Nymph), She Kills Monsters (Farrah/Evil Gabbi), Peter & The Starcatcher (Molly Aster), Love's Labour's Lost: The Musical (Maria), Richard III (Shadow), and Measure for Measure (Pompey). She was also Swing (Understudy for Thorn/Oberon Fairy/Attendant) in A Midsummer Night's Dream with the San Francisco Shakespeare Festival. She’s had such a wonderful time working with the Grenateam and loves them all very much!

Zander Galluppi (Sconce) is a second year PhD candidate in the Committee on Immunology. His previous UT credits include Peach Boy: A Japanese Folk Tale (Player 4), Animals Out of Paper (Andy), Love's Labour's Lost: The Musical (Longaville), and Peter and the Starcatcher (Smee). He would like to thank the wonderful Grenateam for their hard work and dedication throughout the rehearsal process, and he promises that he will be careful to not hurt himself while doing his own stunts during the show.

Eli Timoner (Pyx) is a student in the college.

Tess Gundlah (Actress 1) is a third year TAPS and English major. She has previously acted in The Dean's Men productions of Comedy of Errors (Angelo) and Much Ado About Nothing (Leonata), the Weekend of Workshops production of Pericles, But Marxist (Marx and others), and the UT Mainstage productions of Peter and the Starcatcher (Prentiss) and A Streetcar Named Desire (Rose/Dancer). She also plays the role of Flaminia in the UChicago Commedia ensemble and serves as a costume assistant on TAPS tech staff. She's had a great time working with the Grenateam on this wonderful show!

Aliza Oppenheim (Actress 2) is a second year Law, Letters, and Society and Political Science major. On campus, she has previously been seen in Weekend of Workshops Fall 2017 and Fall 2018, Julius Caesar, and Antigonick, as well as various Fire Escape Films and Maroon TV productions. 

Grey Moszkowski (Actor 1) is a first year Law, Letters, and Society major hopeful. This is his first UT production. He has worked on non-UT shows like Cabaret (Ernst Ludwig), Spring Awakening (Adult Males), and The Drowsy Chaperone (Aldolpho). He's excited to get started in UT with Grenadine!

Riley Spieler (Actor 2) is a student in the college.

Production Staff

Kendall Phillips (Director) is a second year Biology major. She has been an actor in past UT shows, such as Peter and the Starcatcher (Slank), Love’s Labours Lost: The Musical (Jacquenetta), and good friday (Kinzie). Her directorial debut was A Weekend of Workshops: The Sandbox. This is her first mainstage as a director and she’s so grateful to spread the story of love and friendship with an amazing cast and crew.

Jess Robinson (Production Manager) is a third year Political Science and Sociology major. She has previously worked on Useless Powers (Stage Manager), 500 bucks and a pack of smokes (Stage Manager), Dungeons and Dunderheads (Stage Manager), The Sandbox (Scenic Designer), Magic Commedia Bus (Stage Manager), New Work Week 2018 (Director), Antigonick (Co-Stage Manager), Julius Caesar (Stage Manager), Geography of a Horse Dreamer (Assistant Stage Manager), and Merchant of Venice (Assistant Stage Manager). Her glands are aglow to be working on this show! 

Madison Johnson (Stage Manager) is a third year Comparative Human Development and Gender and Sexuality Studies major.

Jacob Goodman (Scenic/Puppet Designer) is a fourth year in the college majoring in Comparative Human Development and Visual Arts. He has previously worked on The Aliens (KJ), The Misanthrope (Acaste), Next to Normal (Director), She Kills Monsters (Puppet Designer), Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (Matt/ Mr. Burns), The Comedy of Errors (Director), The Seagull (Konstantin), and Twelfth Night (Duke Orsino). He is the current President of the Dean's Men.

Lillian Hermes (Costume Designer) is a second year Biology major. She has previously worked on Animals Out Of Paper (Assistant Costume Designer) and Eurydice (Assistant Costume Designer). Her favorite color is green.

Lia Bauer-Goulden (Props Designer) is a third year History major at the College. Lia has previously worked as a Props Designer on Animals Out of Paper, Antigonick, and As You Like It, has assisted on Henry VI (Assistant Set/Props Designer) and After the Revolution (Assistant Props Designer), and strangely was the Lighting Designer for Songs for a New World despite a total lack of prior experience. Fun Fact! This play contains no pomegranate flavored sugar syrup! 

Christine Yan (Lighting Designer) is a third year Computer Science major. She has previously worked on Peter and the Starcatcher (Captain Scott), Love's Labour's Lost: The Musical (Dull), The Aliens (Assistant Lighting Designer), and Weekend of Workshops (Lighting Designer).

Jacob Spiegel (Sound Designer) is a third year Computer Science and TAPS major. He has previously worked on Measure For Measure (Sound Designer), Animals Out Of Paper (Director), Much Ado About Nothing (Sound Designer), A Weekend Of Workshops: Matt & Ben (Director), As You Like It (Sound Designer), Comedy Of Errors (Assistant Sound Designer), and Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (Auxiliary Percussion/Assistant Set Designer).

Abby Weymouth (Master Electrician) is a student in the college.

Kenjiro Lee (Puppetry Consultant) is a student in the college.

Charlie Wiland (Assistant Director) is a second year Linguistics and Philosophy major. She acted in UT's Much Ado About Nothing, and was a member of a Shakespeare ensemble before college. This is her first foray into direction.

Ruthie Dworin (Assistant Production Manager) is a student in the college.

Clarissa Mullig (Assistant Stage Manager) is a student in the college.

An Trinh (Assistant Scenic/Puppet Designer) is a first year majoring in Visual Arts and Geographical Studies. This is her first show, and she is thrilled to be a part of this production of Grenadine.

Miranda Grisa (Assistant Scenic/Puppets Designer) is a student in the college.

Afriti Bankwalla (Assistant Scenic/Puppets Designer) is a student in the college.

Lia O’Bryan (Assistant Scenic/Puppet Designer) is a second year Mathematics major. 

Nina Lubeck (Assistant Costume Designer) is a second year Art History and Math double major. She has previously worked on Fun Home (Assistant Costume Designer/Wardrobe Manager), Songs for a New World (Costume Designer), and Eurydice (Assistant Costumer).

Hanley Donofrio (Assistant Props Designer) is a second year Linguistics and Economics major. She has previously worked on As You Like It (Assistant Scenic Designer).

Rea Brown (Assistant Props Designer) is a first year potential TAPS and Creative Writing double major. She is excited to have been a part of Grenadine for her first UT production. She has previously participated in Theater[24] (Writer/Designer).

Melaina Leung (Assistant Lighting Designer) is a second year planning to major in Anthropology and Economics. She has previously worked on Richard III (Assistant Production Manager) and currently is also working on Fun Home (Assistant Scenic Designer).

Emily Lynch (Committee Liaison) is a third year studying English Literature and Political Science. She's recently worked on Machinal (Co-Director), The Aliens (Director), As You Like It (Director), A Streetcar Named Desire (Dramaturg), and Matt and Ben (Matt). She also wrote for New Work Week and serves as the Treasurer of University Theater.

Ethan Schondorf (Tech Staff Liaison) is a student in the college.