written by Sophie Treadwell
directed by Caitlyn Klum and Emily Lynch
Winter 2019

Inspired by the infamous 1927 murder trial of Ruth Snyder, Machinal follows the story of a Young Woman in the harsh, industrial world of the 1920s. Using the trial that captured unprecedented public attention, playwright and journalist Sophie Treadwell created a masterpiece of new American theatre. Experience this dark and thrilling drama that captures the cruelty of ordinary people in a world rife with missed connections.
Sabrina Sternberg (Young Woman) is a second year CMST and Linguistics major. Previous UT/Dean's Men credits include Measure for Measure (Isabella), Love's Labour's Lost (Princess), and As You Like It (Duke Senior). She'd like to thank the entire cast and crew, especially Caitlyn and Emily, for the incredible work and time they put into this show!
Liam Flanigan (Husband & Others) is a student in the college.
Ava Geenen (Lover & Others) is a third year Philosophy major. Her previous UT acting credits include A Streetcar Named Desire (Eunice), Richard III (Margaret), and As You Like It (Celia). She also directed Much Ado About Nothing. Ava would like to thank Baltimore School for the Arts for training her in theater.
Zakir Jamal (Doctor & Others) is a student in the college.
Jonathan White (Filing Clerk & Others) is a first year TAPS major. He has previously worked on A Streetcar Named Desire (Young Man, Doctor). He would like to thank the cast and crew of Machinal for this incredible experience. He would also like to thank his family.
Sofiy Inck (Mother & Others) is a second year Fundamentals: Issues and Texts major and Creative Writing minor. She worked last year on Antigonick (Antigone).
Emil Sohlberg (Stenographer & Others) is a third year Computer Science major. He has previously worked on A Weekend Of Workshops: The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of Where Babies Come From (Frank Hardy), Love's Labour's Lost: A New Musical (Costard), Peter and the Starcatcher (Lord Aster), and Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (Flanders).
Emily O'Heir (Telephone Girl & Others) is a first year Humanities major. She has previously worked on A Weekend of Workshops: Peach Boy, and CES' Macbeth (Banquo). Emily is excited to be working with this group of creators and hopes that you enjoy the show!
Production Staff
Caitlyn Klum (Co-Director) is a second year English and Creative Writing major. Her UT credits include Measure for Measure (Dramaturg), good friday (Dramaturg), The Aliens (Assistant Director), Much Ado About Nothing (Assistant Director), and As You Like It (Phebe).
Emily Lynch (Co-Director) is a third year studying English Literature and Political Science. She's recently worked on The Aliens (Director), As You Like It (Director), A Streetcar Named Desire (Dramaturg), and Matt and Ben (Matt). She also wrote for New Work Week and serves as the Treasurer of University Theater.
Paris Bezanis (Scenic Designer) is a student in the college.
Clare Kemmerer (Costume Designer) is a student in the college.
Eric Karsten (Lighting Designer) is a third year majoring in Math and Economics. He is involved with University Theater, Oeconomica, and the technical staff of the Logan Performance Hall. His past credits include: LEAR, Mr. Burns, a post-electric play, Beauty and the Beast, The 39 Steps, Legally Blonde, and Richard III as Lighting Designer, Next to Normal, Richard III, and Animals Out Of Paper as Master Electrician, and After the Revolution as Assistant Lighting Designer.
Ro Redfern (Sound Designer) is a first year Public Policy major. Previous credits include Measure for Measure (Assistant Sound Designer), Weekend of Workshops: 500 bucks and a pack of smokes (Sound Designer), and Theater[24] (Designer). Ro continues to be amazed by the incredibly talented cast and crew of Machinal!
Marly Santora (Props Designer) is a third year art history major in the College. Following a stint as a pit violinist for lots of musicals in high school, she was the lead props designer on Measure for Measure in the fall. When not in the basement of Logan working on props, she can be found in the basement of Logan repairing old films for her job with the South Side Home Movie Project. She encourages you to Google pictures of the rock hyrax, a very talented singer.
Gigi Hancock (Co-Production Manager/Assistant Sound Designer) is a first year in the college who doesn't know what she wants to do (though it will probably involve math and/or physics) and is excited to be working on her first UT show and production since high school.
Mary Mouton (Co-Production Manager) is a first year in the college. She has previously worked on Measure for Measure (Assistant Lighting Designer).
Alice May (Stage Manager) is a second year Comparative Human Development, English, and Gender Studies major. She has previously worked on Love's Labour's Lost (Holofernes), The Aliens (Assistant Stage Manager), and Weekend of Workshops (Stage Manager, Production Manager).
Sophie Hoyt (Dramaturg) is a student in the college.
Emily Lovett (Music Director) is a fourth year English Literature and Music major. Her past UT credits include Animals Out Of Paper (Dramaturg), The Aliens (Music Director), As You Like It (Composer/Music Director), Mr. Burns, a post-electric play (Vocal Director), Love, Loss, and What I Wore (Gingy), A Twinklin' Rhyme (Mrs. Who/Happy Medium), The Children's Hour (Evelyn), West Side Story (Velma), and Hamlet (Guildenstern). Outside of UT, she also sings in UChicago's Women's Ensemble and works as a Dramaturgy Intern at the Court Theatre.
Serin Lee (Film Designer) is a student in the college.
Oliver Halperin (Assistant Lighting Designer) is a first year prospective Physics and Molecular Engineering major. He has previously worked as an Electrician and Lighting Designer in high school and as an Electrician professionally. This is his first University Theatre production.
Emilia Pitchon (Assistant Lighting Designer) is a first year student and is excited to be working on her first UT production!
Aware Deshmukh (Assistant Props Designer) is a second year Physics major. Machinal is her first show and she has loved being a part of it! When outside Logan, she sings in the University Chorus and the Women’s Ensemble. She is excited to continue working with University Theater in the future (and she is also really excited about the fountain pens).
Eden Irwin (Assistant Stage Manager) is a second year History major. She is delighted to be part of the Machinal team and hopes everyone enjoys the show!
Christos Papandreou (Master Electrician) is a first year undecided major. This is his first show at the University but in high school he did lighting for many shows, including Crazy for You, Into the Woods, Hairspray, and various dance shows. He enjoys watching a show come into view and cannot wait to continue his career at the University!
Olivia Malone (Projections Technician) is a student in the college.
Patrick Doyle (UT Committee Liaison) is a student in the college.
Fred Dan (Tech Staff Liaison) is a student in the college.