A Weekend Of Workshops (Winter 2019)
"500 bucks and a pack of smokes" by James Hutchison, directed by Ruthie Dworin
"Outlook," a devised piece by the cast and crew, directed by Eren Ahn

Each quarter, the UT workshop format gives directors a chance to explore the limits of their creative visions. This winter, see some of those visions come to life. Join us for a weekend of the following workshops: Outlook, a devised piece by the cast and crew, directed by Eren Ahn, and 500 bucks and a pack of smokes by James Hutchison, directed by Ruthie Dworin.
Cast, 500 bucks and a pack of smokes
Carolyn J. Applebaum (Donny) is excited to be acting in her first UT production after two and a half years of stage management. Her love of Italian food and years of chronic anxiety have prepared her well for this role. Congrats to everyone else who helped this quarter's workshops come to fruition!
Reed Thurston (Vinnie/Murphy/Powell/Stubby) is a student in the college.
Kajol Char (Sid/Sophia) is a fourth year Economics major and Human Rights minor. She's passionate about dogs and doglike cats. Her favorite podcast is The Moth - everyone should listen to it! And at the risk of sounding cliche, her favorite show is Friends, of course. She is not a good cook but definitely loves to cook anyway (follow @kaj_in_the_kitchen). This is her second time performing in a workshop at UChicago.
Gayathri Rao (Carmen) is a student in the college.
Cast, Outlook
Gowri Rao (Melchior) is a student in the college.
Curtis McMackin (Tilke) is a third year Philosophy and Economics double major with a Computer Science minor. He has never done a show at the University of Chicago, but he wishes he had gotten into theater earlier because this has been a ton of fun. He loves music more than anything, and you won’t meet a bigger music nerd unless they’re an actual music critic.
Emily Stevens (Christoph III) is a third year English major and TAPS minor. Previous shows include Macbeth with CES (Witch 3, Murderer 1, Young Siward), Richard III (Ghost of Edward of Westminster), Geography of A Horse Dreamer (Assistant Props and Stagehand), Iphigenia and Other Daughters (Assistant Costumes).
Production Staff
Ruthie Dworin (Director, “500 bucks and a pack of smokes”) is a second year Linguistics Major who is currently having an existential crisis about her minors. Should she minor in English and Creative Writing or Philosophy or TAPS and NELC? Please reach out.
Eren Ahn (Director, Co-Deviser, Outlook) is a student in the college.
Jess Robinson (Stage Manager, 500 bucks...) is third year Political Science and Sociology major. She is currently working on Grenadine (Production Manager) and has previously worked on Dungeons and Dunderheads (Stage Manager), The Sandbox (Set Designer), Magic Commedia Bus (Stage Manager), New Work Week 2018 (Director), Antigonick (Co-Stage Manager), Julius Caesar (Stage Manager), Geography of a Horse Dreamer (Assistant Stage Manager), and The Merchant of Venice (Stage Manager).
Helen Malley (Stage Manager, Outlook) is a student in the college.
Olivia Malone (Lighting Designer) is a student in the college.
Ro Redfern (Sound Designer) is a first year in the college and is currently working on Machinal (Sound Designer).
Anna Aguiar Kosicki (UT Committee Liaison) is a student in the college.
Jemima Adeyinka (Tech Staff Liaison) is a student in the college.