Scientific Method
written by Jenny Connell Davis
directed by Tyler Pleasant
Spring 2022

Amy, a soon-to-graduate biology PhD student, is almost ready to submit her cancer research work. Meanwhile at a conference, her mentor finds out that a heavily overlapping work was recently published, rendering Amy’s hard work no longer usable. She is now forced to start over on a new project and seek outside funding. Getting scooped isn’t a rare occurrence in science, but what happened to Amy might be more than a simple coincidence.
Tess Ortego (Amy) is a fourth year Political Science and Global Studies major. She has previously worked on Welcome Back to My Channel (Martha). She is so excited to end her senior year by working with this amazing team!
Stevie Xie (Danny)
Zander Galluppi (Julian) is a fifth-year PhD candidate in the Committee on Immunology. He has performed in over 15 UT/TAPS productions and is in his fourth term on UT Committee. Some of his favorite UT credits include Love’s Labour’s Lost (Holofernes), Animals Out of Paper (Andy), and Peter and the Starcatcher (Smee). Zander also performs regionally in Chicago, where his credits include work with CenterStage in Lake Forest, the Beverly Arts Center, This Moment Productions, and Underscore Theatre Company as part of the Chicago Musical Theatre Festival. You can catch him appearing next as Lysander in CenterStage in Lake Forest’s outdoor touring production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream late this summer!
Emma Linderman (Makayla) is a second-year Cinema and Media Studies and TAPS major. At UChicago, she has acted in Amazons and Their Men (The Extra) and Yivdak (Zahara), and has also performed in regional and community productions. She is also a member of UChicago’s independent improv group, Occam’s Razor. She has not taken a science class since last year.
Lara Braverman (Marie)
Production Staff
Tyler Pleasant (Director) is a second-year Chemistry PhD student. Last quarter, which was his first quarter with UT, he was the Production Manager for workshops. This is his second time directing a full-length show and he is very excited to share the amazing work of the whole team with you! Other than living in the rehearsal room for the last 7 weeks, Tyler also enjoys board games, D&D, video games, and anime.
Lena Maghraoui (Production Manager)
Henry Kerrey (Stage Manager) is a second year Creative Writing and TAPS major. He has previously worked on the Winter 2022 Theater[24] Festival (Writer) and is an active member of Pint Sized Plays (Actor/Director). He currently is working on multiple student projects both in theater and film.
Faustina Yick (Dramaturg)
Kosuke Takaira (Scenic Designer)
Abby Kanes (Props Designer) is a first-year TAPS and Business Economics major. In UT, she performed in the The Heirs Workshop (Aveline) in Fall 2021 and this quarter played in the pit orchestra for The Trail to Oregon. At her performing arts summer camp, she was a CIT in the props department designing, creating, and finding props for numerous shows. She is also a member of UT Committee.
Chloe Mesa (Costume Designer)
Maya Carlos Doyle (Lighting Designer)
Crystina Windham (Sound Designer) is a first year Music major at UChicago. This is her first show at the College. She hopes to continue her involvement with University Theater and increase her knowledge in sound design. She would like to thank the cast and crew for their kindness and teamwork in bringing this production to life.
Gigi Hancock (Projections Designer) is a Geophysics major in the class of 2022 whose previous credits include Machinal (Assistant Sound Designer), Fun Home (Assistant Lighting Designer), Twelfth Night (Assistant Props Designer), Company (Co-Sound Designer/Assistant Props Designer), Waiting for Godot (Sound Designer), Welcome Back to My Channel (Video Manager), and the art installation Telephone: A Memorial to the Present (Electronics). Gigi currently works for TAPS in the scene and sound shops, and is glad to have returned to in-person theatre before they graduate!
Danielle Yablonovskiy (Assistant Production Manager)
Polly Ren (Assistant Production Manager) is a first-year Economics major. This is her first time being involved in a theatre production. Outside of theatre, Polly enjoys rowing, surfing the internet, and playing Minesweeper.
Nico Brown (Assistant Stage Manager)
Felix Chen (Assistant Stage Manager) is a second-year student planning to major in Linguistics and Sociology. This is his first time with UT in any capacity, but previously in grade school, among other things, he has served as actor and props coordinator. Outside of theater, Felix rides the bicycle, does copyediting at The Chicago Maroon, and is currently a student building manager at Reynolds and Ida Noyes.
Finn Hartnett (Assistant Stage Manager) is a second year Fundamentals major. He has previously done tech work for various plays in high school. In his free time, Finn enjoys playing soccer and petting his cat.
Yangge Xu (Assistant Stage Manager)
Belle Nahoom (Assistant Costume Designer) is a first year Art History major. Belle has previously worked on The Heirs (Assistant Stage Manager), Yivdak (Jared), Staged Readings (Actor), and Theater[24] (Actor). She is also an actor on the Commedia Troupe on campus. She is very excited to be working on this show!
Amelia Simonoff (Assistant Lighting Designer) is a fourth-year Neuroscience and Music double major, as well as pre-med. She has previously done camera work for 86th Annual, and was the lighting designer on Fields of Asphodel, Ah Wing and the Automaton Eagle, and The Trail to Oregon. She hopes you likes microscopes!
Aurélie Roubinowitz (Assistant Lighting Designer)
Abby Beckler (Assistant Projections/Sound Designer)
Sana Fessuh (Assistant Projections/Sound Designer)
Ariana Baginski (UT Committee Liaison) is a third-year Molecular Engineering major on the Bioengineering track and a TAPS minor. She has previously worked on The Winter’s Tale (Assistant Scenic Designer), The Old Man and the Old Moon (Assistant Scenic Designer), My H8 Letter to the Gr8 American Theater (Assistant Sound Designer), and The Trail to Oregon (Calling Stage Manager).
Abby Starr (Tech Staff Liaison)