Fall 2020 Town Hall
On August 16, 2020, Committee hosted a Town Hall to describe our loose plans for Fall 2020 and to solicit ideas for possible programming.
I have really cool ideas about next quarter! How can I share them?
- We want to be responsive to everyone’s needs by being open to suggestions. If people would like us to host another town hall for further discussion, we are open to this!
- We’re planning on hearing more from you all via feedback forms and UT Committee office hours.
- We have one for questions and thoughts about the town hall at bit.ly/UTFallFeedback!
Will we be taking advantage of the 2 weeks of Nice Weather in the beginning?
- We want to, but it’s also very dependent on what the University mandates for us, which is still very much in the air
- So far, we have no plans for anything in person, especially thinking about people who may not be in Chicago in the fall
How do I, a first year, get involved?
- As things are still in the air, the best way is to join our mailing list and Facebook group!
- Reach out to learn about Design Cohorts, since they will still be going virtually!
- TAPS has planned some O-Week welcoming events, including a virtual brunch and Performing Arts Q&A
- Also feel free to reach out to the different Committee members
Can we be involved even if we’re not in Chicago?
- Yes!! There will 100% be online opportunities. UT / Committee-Facilitated programming will be very much accessible remotely, but also stay tuned for what community-proposed projects are happening!
Will Prostaff be available?
- Yes! Prostaff will be available to help you work/talk through anything. Reach out because they absolutely want to Share some Wisdom about working in a virtual space. They will also be in their own spaces in the fall, unlike this past quarter
What is happening with Tech/Student Staff?
- It’s still unclear and up in the air. Stay tuned as we learn more
What’s happening with the budget?
- Also unclear. Our funds were frozen last quarter, but we haven’t really heard anything new yet. We’ll hopefully get that information soon
What’s happening in the rest of the UT Cinematic Universe?
- Off-Off Campus is also fully online and will be having auditions over Zoom
- Dean’s Men: like us on Facebook! They will be doing things online too
- Court Theater: will be having a virtual and in-person theater season for 2020-2021, with in-person shows scheduled to start in February
- Stay tuned for more collaboration between Court and the University, as Court is trying to get students more involved with their productions
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
- Are you a first year with Questions? Do you have more questions about this upcoming Fall Quarter? Contact: Caitlyn (cklum@uchicago.edu)
- Are you a first year interested in Design? Contact: Isaiah (isaiahzs@uchicago.edu)
- The rest of Committee’s emails can be found here. We’re very nice!
Additional Questions